Never Pay a 411 Charge Again!
Sometimes the a Yellow Pages or the internet aren't handy to find the phone number or address of a business or person you desperately need to get a hold of. Enter 411 the call service that provided an operator to look up that information (often incorrectly) and charge you a dollar or two for conducting the search. Google quietly released a new product in GoogleLabs a few weeks ago that provides 411 services... in typical Google fashion... for free. I don't know how the company plans to make money on it or if it does at all, but it's surely worth a try if you are a 411 service user.
Details: Google Voice Local Search
Price: FREE!
How it works: Just call 800-GOOG-411 or 800-466-4411. The service lets you search for the proper name of a business or just a category (like Chinese food). You can also get the information delivered via SMS message to your phone which is nifty when you are driving or can't write it down.