America's Hottest Jobs
A new list of the top 50 hottest jobs has been circulating on the web lately, below are the top 50 (of jobs that make more than the U.S. median and are growing faster than average). Of course none of these lists are perfect. There are typically three reasons these lists are problematic
a) job demand varies tremendously depending on geography,
b) the lists has some general job titles like "lawyer" or "financial analyst" that can run the gamut from entry level workers making 30k to people on the top end making millions and everything in between,
c) "hot" occupations change faster than the lists can keep up with - so like everything they are outdated as soon as they are published. Take a look and see if your occupation is "hot."
1. Registered nurses: $52,330
2. Postsecondary teachers: $51,800
3. General and operations managers: $77,420
4. Elementary school teachers, except special education: $43,160
5. Accountants and auditors: $50,770
6. Business operation specialists, all other: $53,460
7. Computer software engineers, applications: $74,980
8. Maintenance and repair workers, general: $30,710
9. Carpenters: $34,900
10. Computer systems analysts: $66,460
11. Secondary school teachers, except special and vocational education: $45,650
12. Computer software engineers, systems software: $79,740
13. Physicians and surgeons: $145,600
14. Network systems and data communications analysts: $60,600
15. Automotive service technicians and mechanics: $32,450
16. Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses: $33,970
17. Management analysts: $63,450
18. Computer support specialists: $40,430
19. Lawyers: $94,930
20. Network and computer systems administrators: $58,190
21. Police and sheriff's patrol officers: $45,210
22. Middle school teachers, except special and vocational education: $43,670
23. Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters: $41,290
24. Financial managers: $81,880
25. Computer and information systems managers: $92,570
26. Sales representatives, services, all other: $47,000
27. Fire fighters: $38,330
28. Dental hygienists: $58,350
29. Paralegals and legal assistants: $39,130
30. Sales managers: $84,220
31. Chief executives: $140,350
32. Self-enrichment education teachers: $30,880
33. Physical therapists: $60,180
34. Pharmacists: $84,900
35. Medical and health services managers: $67,430
36. Sales representatives, wholesale, manufacturing, techn, scientific: $58,580
37. Employment, recruitment, and placement specialists: $41,190
38. Property, real estate, and community association managers: $39,980
39. Child, family, and school social workers: $34,820
40. Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers: $36,260
41. Real estate sales agents: $35,670
42. Special education teachers, preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school: $43,570
43. Legal secretaries: $36,720
44. Training and development specialists: $44,570
45. First-line supervisors/managers of housekeeping and janitorial workers: $29,510
46. Administrative services managers: $60,290
47. Public relations specialists: $43,830
48. Radiologic technologists and technicians: $43,350
49. Sales and related workers, all other: $31,380
50. Personal financial advisors: $62,700
The list was compiled based on stats from Bureau of Labor Statistics and published by MSN and Career Builder. You can check out the full article over at MSN.
MSN Careers - American's Top 50 Jobs