Credit Where Credit is Due
Many companies have learned that the internet makes it incredibly easy for mistreated customers to air their bad experiences. While it cuts both ways, the maltreated customers tend to make a much larger racket (check out Consumerism Commentary if you don't believe me).
It's time for me to give credit where credit is due and talk about a good customer service experience I had recently. I am a relatively new customer of Liberty Mutual Insurance and so far have only good things to say. This may be common practice, but regardless I'm happy about it.
I lived in a different city for the past three months and have recently transferred back. I purchased a whole year renter's insurance policy on the temporary apartment I was living in because I couldn't find any agencies offering shorter terms (plus it was less than $100). When I called to get a new policy issued this week the agent, who I had never spoke with before, canceled the old policy and credited nearly the entire balance to my new policy. This was great news for me because a) I didn't know this was possible, b) it was done without me even asking for it. I haven't had too many experiences where people take initiative to save a client money.
While it might seem that most of the time services go unappreciated, the little acts don't go overlooked... especially when you are broke and in grad school.
If you are looking for insurance around Chicago or NW Indiana email me and I'll look up her name.
** FYI, some alumni associations give discounts for Liberty Mutual Insurance. For example, you can receive a 5% discount by using the link found here at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay website and the offer is open to anyone -- not just alumni.