Monday, June 30, 2008

Are CT Scans a Rip Off?

The N.Y. Times posted an interesting article yesterday about whether CT scans, the costly high tech imaging machines that let Dr's see inside your body, are worth the money -- and the risks.

As a disclaimer: I'm sure that the scans offer real benefits in certain circumstances, but I thought it was interesting to see a major daily start a discussion about their merits.

As a quick summary, the story says that more than 150,000 were given last year grossing over $100 mln for for doctors and hospitals. The problem it seems is two fold: 1) many doctors and doctor's groups are investing $1 mln dollars or more in the machines, and 2) the doctors then have a direct incentive to pay down the debt that the machine has created. The Times story also says that the tests run anywhere from $500-$1,000, don't necessarily offer any benefits over old tests, and subject the patient to large doses of radiation.

Maybe this isn't interesting to anyone else out there, but it just goes to show you have to be ready to ask questions when you go into the hospital -- something that isn't always well received depending on what level of care you are getting.