Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Grad Career Cheat Sheet

One of the great things about the internet (and Google), is that it makes it exceedingly easy to quickly find information on just about anything. The downside of this technology is that there is a lot of crummy information to sort through before you find the good stuff.

Well, if you are a new grad or know a new grad who is getting ready attack the real world the NY Times recently ran an article that you should pass along. The article entitled "A Primer for Young People Starting Their First Job" is really applicable to everyone. Let's face it - most Americans don't pay enough attention to personal finance and that's why the average savings rate is negative.

While I strongly encourage you to take a look at the article, I'll provide a quick summary below. The article does a quick and dirty summary of health benefit, tax, and retirement plan considerations for new grads. There's not a great deal of deep analysis on any of the topics, but the article serves it's purpose. It gives new grads a very bare bones outline of each and points them in the right direction and gives them the types of questions they should be asking. I think that's a noble goal in itself. You can only lead people so far after all.

If you have any good resources for new grads heading out into the world please leave them in the comments.