Obama, McCain and Your Money, The Cheat Sheet
After reading a Wall Street Journal article today about the money related positions of Barack Obama and John McCain, I figured it might be helpful to make a cheat sheet about where each candidate stands on the issues. I won't attempt to give an in depth analysis on any of the topics, this is just a very, very, brief overview.
Income Taxes:
Obama: Wants tax cuts for middle class, increases for families making $250k+ and inviduals pulling down $200k+. Wants to extend Bush tax cuts, but raise the top rates to 36% and 39.6%. Get rid of taxes on the elderly making less than $50k/yr and give people earning less than $75k/yr a credit equal to about $500 each year. The top 1% would see an approximate $19k/yr increase in taxes.
McCain: Wants to permanently extend Bush tax cuts, raise personal exemptions for each dependent from $3,500 to $7,000 over a few years. Wants to keep top tax rate at 35%. The top 1% would see a cut of $125k+/yr.
Short-Term Economic Relief:
Obama: To jump start the economy he wants to give a $1,000 rebate to each family or $500 per individual. He also would like people be able to withdraw 15% of their 401k or IRA up to $10k penalty free.
McCain: Wants to cut the capital gains tax rate for stock held more than one year to 7.5% and would increase the amount of loss that is deductible on stock sales from $3k to $15k. Would cap withdrawals by seniors from IRAs and 401(k)'s no more than 10%
Estate Taxes / AMT:
Obama: Keep 2009 estate tax rates in effect, taxing only estates worth more than $3.5 million per person at 45% per person. A $5 million dollar estate would pay approximately $675k in taxes.
McCain: Wants flat 15% estate tax (currently at 45%) on estates valued at over $5 million. A $5 million dollar estate would pay NO taxes.
Health Care:
Obama: Require employers not offering coverage to kick in a percentage of payroll towards a national plan (note small businesses are exempt). Would try to set up a national exchange for health insurance.
McCain: Would replace the income-tax exemptions for insurance paid by employers with a refundable tax credit of $5k per family or $2,500 per individual.
Obama: Would eliminate all capital gain taxes on start-ups and small businesses, but raise top rates on securities and dividends to 20% for families making more than $250,000 per year.
McCain: Keep the max capital gain rate at 15%
Retirement / Social Security:
Obama: Wants to institute a 2 - 4% payroll tax for earners of more than $250k to be paid by employees and employers together. Would be phased in over 10 years or more. Impliment a savers credit to match 50% of the first $1,000 of savings for families earning less than $75,000.
McCain: Privitize social security and allow younger workers to place a portion of their account in the market.
Image: jvumn @ Flickr